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时间:2024-03-23 11:57:18 作者: 点击:



英文翻译!Section 1: Core Questions

第1 部分:核心问题出口完成两者中任何一个以我明白IDMs或者以Fabless 公司。 下列问题被计划理解我明白的这供应系列产品从我明白IDMs 和Fabless亚洲兑一亚洲和欧洲OEMs 公司。 讨论题目我:我们理解 辅助翻译例句 1. It was he who redeemed the occasion from utter failure by telling some of his funny stories. 是他讲了几个有趣的故事挽回了局面,使之免遭彻底的失败。 2. Todays engines are of much greater difference from those used in the past. 现在的发动机与过去使用的发动机有很大的不同。 3. Mother deduced from my loss of appetites what had happened to the cookies . 母亲从我没有食欲,推知饼干是怎么回事了。 4. The hecklers were conducted away from the hall at the request of the Chairman. 主席要求把捣蛋分子强行赶出大厅。 5. We managed to keep the news of Toms imprisonment from his father. It would have killed him. 我们设法不让汤姆的父亲知道汤姆入狱的消息,这会害死他的。 6. My daughter did so well in her studies that she graduated from high school at the age of 16. 我的女儿学习成绩十分优良,所以16岁就高中毕业了。 7. In spite of the weather, they managed to push along and arrived at the work site before daybreak. 不顾天气不好,他们继续前进,并在天亮前赶到工地。 8. He was afraid of being blamed by his father, so he kept quiet about his failure in the final exams. 他害怕受到父亲的责骂,因此对他期末考试不及格的事他只字未提。 9. The motel or motor inn is the latest kind of place in which people who are away from home can stay. 汽车旅馆或称汽车旅店,是最近发展起来的供远行的人留宿的场所。 10. Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in your country, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transactions. 从驻贵国的中华人民共和国大使馆商务处获知贵方名称和地址,我们荣幸地写信给你们,是否可通过开始做几宗实际的交易来建立业务联系。


Zorro is Back:Here’s to being freeHere’s to you and meHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to flying high la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to flying high la la la la la la Zorro’s backIt’s fun to beIt’s fantasyHe’s so gladTo know the world as Zorro (Zor-ro!)You know you weren’t the next and run to learn El ZorroAs one good deedIs all we needSo he’ll be thereAnd guard our cares oh Zorro (Zor-ro!)He’ll tell you hang uponTheir necks and run you seeHere’s to living freeHere’s to you and meHere’s to better times with only one of a kind ZorroHere’s to living free when you know that your friend is old ZorroHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backIt’s hard to find when all the timeHe stand the pain the world is job worth doing (Zor-ro!)Let any strength he have the proof to make it throughIn proof he drawn without a frownOnce he’s there he bears a number of Zorro (Zor-ro!)You better make your debt to settle your affairs with ZorroHere’s to being freeHere’s to you and meHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to flying high la la la la la la Zorro’s back(Key Change)Here’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to flying high la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to flying high la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to being free la la la la la la Zorro’s backHere’s to flying high la la la la la la Zorro’s back

keil软件的作用是什么? 谁能分享


keil c51是一款应用于plc编程的软件开发工具,它拥有强大的仿真器、调试器、宏汇编器、单板计算机以及符合生产标准的Keil C编译器,在嵌入式软件开发的基础上有深层次的研发进展,帮助您在嵌入式开发上准确模拟硬件配置,以详尽的测试报告对定量的数据进行简单合理的分析。

所需工具:点击下载 keil c51



2、勾选“I agree to all the terms”同意许可证协议,协议内容自行决定是否浏览,点击“Next”继续安装;







3、OH51目标文件至HEX格式的转换器,从绝对目标模块生成Intel Hex文件。

4、μVision4 for Windows:是一个集成开发环境,它将项目管理、程序调试、源代码编辑等组合在一个功能强大的环境中






1、Software packs – MDK软件包

这部分较MDK v4版本做出了很大的更新。Software packs分为Device、CMSIS、MDK Professional Midleware三个小部分,包含了各类可用的设备驱动。。

MDK v5可以在Software packs窗口选择需要安装或者更新的软件组件。

2、MDK Core – MDK核心

MDK Core包含微控制器开发所有的所有组件,包括IDE(uVision5)、编辑器、ARM C/C++编辑器、uVision调试跟踪器和Pack Installer。

3、uVision5 IDE集成开发界面

uVision5 IDE 集成开发环境与uVision4相差不大,在编译工具栏右侧多了两个绿色按钮,Manage Run-time Environment和Pack Installer按钮。


MDK Core是一个独立的安装包,大概300M左右大小,可以到ARM国内代理商米尔科技官网下载正式版本。下载安装以后就可以一直使用,如果Keil有芯片支持、CMSIS或者中间库的升级,直接通过Software packs本地升级即可。

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