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联通遥控器怎么和机顶盒配对 (联通遥控器怎样输入英文字母)

时间:2023-11-21 18:41:55 作者: 点击:







we will experience many difficulties and setbacks in our life.


there is no harm to others, but we must guard against them.


there is no happy place in the world, only happy people.


a person for a long time, in the face of anything, sober and sensible.


do you want to be a beggar if you don"t fight for the future family?


the so-called prevention of addiction is just a deeper cover for you.


in the face of loneliness, both the poor and the rich are weak.


eat to survive, but not to eat.


life can not buy three kinds of medicine: regret medicine, longevity medicine, heart disease medicine.


there is a kind of stubbornness, bearing the helplessness of adulthood, but does not recognize the old.


live well for this painful and radiant life.


it"s none of your business. you don"t worry about it. when it comes to you, you"re in a panic!


sour, sweet, bitter and spicy are nutrition, success and failure are all experiences.


the road to success is not crowded, because there are not many people who insist.


don"t disclose your frustration easily, lest you be considered weak and incompetent.


the higher the goal you pursue, the more you need to give up.


a positive attitude is the most basic element of success.


i can"t fart before i go to college. i"ll fart when i come to university!


don"t casually say that you don"t have time. time is squeezed out.


i"ll never find the original and erase you.


if i don"t get what i want, i"ll get better!


whatever you decide to do, make yourself happy.


society is full of competition, and winning competition depends on one"s own strength.


often give the mind a bath, miscellaneous dust are removed.


money is external things, life is your own, health is the most important.


only in boiling water, tea can develop a strong aroma of life.


everyone is afraid that love is too deep, i dare not love a person too much.


money can help the poor solve problems, but it can help the rich create problems.


you can reflect, you can"t regret, because it won"t help.


no matter how vigorous the lovers are, they can"t compare with the ordinary parents.


it"s really lucky to have a goal and be willing to go for it.


don"t cry because of the result, smile because it happened.


life is not for others to see, just be happy.


stupid people don"t mean stupid people. just don"t want to waste your breath!


life does not allow you to be self willed, accept the reality and work hard.


qianshan a total of bright moon, want to play purple bamboo flute, recall the past for the tune.


gratitude is sincere from the heart, not hypocrisy on the surface.


a painful experience is worth a thousand admonitions.


now i, do not blame who, do not laugh at who, do not envy who.


attitude determines everything, details decide success or failure, habit makes life.


if my appearance is a mistake, please forget me after you are sad.


time can only make happiness happier and sorrow more sad.


looking at your signature for her, she quietly turned around and laughed at herself.


for people who love each other, the heart of each other is the best house.


the so-called jealousy, in fact, is to torture yourself with the success of others.


choice, sometimes, has a greater impact on life than hard work and struggle.


i finally learned to call my name in your voice.


life is like riding a bicycle. if you want to keep your balance, you have to move on.


my other half is a road maniac, so far has not found me.


the reason why life is wonderful is that he is willing to accept everything completely.


people who live in hope dance without music.


don"t always sad, don"t think too much, cherish the present, live well.


in this world, no one is afraid of you; when you are sick, they are afraid of you!


life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance slowly in the rain.


growth is a long-standing conspiracy, wrong is wrong.


to practice for praise is like a ravaged fragrant flower.


without your suffering, there is no glory; without setbacks, there is no glory.


i hope to meet you one day in the future.


forgive others generously, but don"t be foolish enough to believe them again.


invisible scars are the most painful, and the tears that cannot be shed are the most aggrieved.



serenity 平静

dear 丶

victor 胜利者




estate pain



a place near


morning air 晨曦 °


eve、 小心理゛

欲妄▲ tangle

惹人醉 triste 。

sadness 无意的人

eve、 小心情゛

冷瞳 ruin▲

conquest mm。

此岸花 triste 。

午夜掩埋者 ╮darling

single∕ man

deepest love

n是 my、影子

temptation 忧伤 ▼


a monologue. 独白。


hunter 猎人


endless love 爱不完


人来疯 director

推翻 overthrow °

excuses. 借口。

in a hurry. 匆匆

听一曲 丶go away

╮xi 太深╮



cute· 寂寥

jonny 强尼

失忆小姐 seve°


imitate a lunatic.

vulgar * 庸俗

ever. 唯美、

囙魂 layoomiety ≡

薰衣草 everlast/

嗜血 |▍bloodthirsty




if you well is sunny


单曲循环 dusty°

双生花 callous

you are my eyes 你是我的眼

crazy. 疯狂。

rule 宅男




其实我很无私 *



标签: 联通遥控器怎样输入英文字母